Care & Outreach
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
JOHN 13:34-35
Hospital Visit & Bereavement
If you are expecting to be admitted to hospital for more than a day or two, you may wish to be visited by a Catholic Chaplain. NHS hospitals generally give you an opportunity to disclose your religion on their admission form and to indicate if you would like a visit. If you do, it is likely you will be visited within the following few days. If you do not say you are a Roman Catholic, the Chaplain will not normally be aware of you. A problem can arise if you are admitted as an emergency when only basic details, name age, address and next of kin may be recorded. You can also ask your family/friends to contact the parish office to inform the clergy. Contact Here
Read more about Holly Communion for the Sick
The Parish does provide bereavement support by trained individuals, if you would like help please do contact Diane at the parish office in the first instance by telephone on 01428 643877 or by using the contact email, Here.
Parish Charity Group
Our Parish Charity Group fundraises across the parish to help those in need, both at home and overseas. Small projects are identified, where our donations can make a real difference, often with a local connection. This facilitates sending money directly to the point of need. Our friendship, prayers, and moral support are appreciated as well as the financial contribution we can offer. Each year, fundraising generally focuses on two main projects overseas and one in our local area, whilst continuing to make smaller one-off donations and respond to emergencies. Most often, events take the form of enjoyable social occasions which parishioners and friends can share whilst, in the process, supporting those less fortunate.
If you would like to donate, please click Here and click Charity button.
'The 100 Club'
& Other Charity Projects
"The 100 Club"
Membership is open to everyone in Haslemere, Chiddingfold and Hindhead. Each member contributes £5 per month and a draw is held each month to determine the allocation of prizes. The first prize is £150, second prize is £100 and the third prize is £50. Anyone wanting to join should contact parish Office Here.
Charitable projects are selected by the Parish Charity Group.
Mill Hill's Red Boxes
Missio brings the hope of the Gospel where there are turmoil, poverty and uncertainty in the world, and where the Church is new, young or poor. Missio empowers local people to form and sustain communities of faith and they train and nurture future leaders so that the vital work of the Church in the world can take place.
APF-Mill Hill's Red Boxes can be found in over 200,000 Catholic homes in England and Wales. The pounds and pennies that are put into these boxes go to fund the vital work of the Catholic Church abroad, by bringing God's love and hope to the poorest and most in need.
It is easy to become a Red Box holder – you just need to contact David Allen and he will arrange to give you your very own Red Box. Put it somewhere prominent in your home and drop spare change into it whenever you can. Contact David Here
The Ecumenical Group
The role of the Ecumenical Group is to lead the Parish in sharing our Christian life together with the other Christians in our community as fully and widely as we can, in love and service to God, and to God’s world. In doing so, we acknowledge the sincerity of each tradition of faith; rejoice in our common Christian faith and heritage, and give thanks to the Holy Spirit for leading us into closer friendship and unity of purpose.
The Group has members from each of our parish churches and meets as needed to initiate and co-ordinate activities in the community and with other Christian churches. We would be delighted to hear from any parishioner who would like to join our Group.
Parishioners participate in various traditional ecumenical events through the year including:
Walks of Witness on Good Friday, Lent Lunches, Stations of the Cross and services in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
An annual Taizé Service in Haslemere
Annual Lent lunch and other activities as part of Chiddingfold’s ‘Joint Churches’ initiative
We are also represented and periodically host “Men’s Breakfast” which is an ecumenical group that comes together from time to time on a Saturday for a breakfast followed by a talk and discussion.
For more information on both Men’s Breakfasts and the Wave, please contact James Rapp, Here