Obeying the government’s rules over worship before the full lockdown was re-introduced, the choir at Our Lady of Lourdes, Haslemere, found a good compromise through a Canadian website.
Previously just six at a time had been singing duly distanced and without a mask, leaving others who wore masks to hum along with the few hymns chosen.
In September a pattern for “singing masks” was discovered and choir member Jodie Ripley set about creating matching floral masks for the ladies and striped ones for the men. These have a built-out front which enables them to sing without their mouths being restricted. Those who received the special masks were asked to donate to the RBL Poppy Appeal and this resulted in £100 being given to the local Haslemere collection.
With the lockdown again in November, once the restrictions were lifted on 2nd December, the masks were once more in evidence and carols were sung joyfully and safely over the Christmas period. After an absence of eight months, Verity Foster was also once more at the organ.