The Haslemere Food Bank is an initiative of the churches in Haslemere in response to requests from a number of local agencies. Although primarily a church initiative, support and volunteers come from a wide variety of backgrounds.
The Haslemere Food Bank is an initiative of the churches in Haslemere in response to requests from a number of local agencies. Although primarily a church initiative, support and volunteers come from a wide variety of backgrounds. People in need are referred to the Food Bank by local statutory and voluntary agencies. Food is donated via collection boxes located around the area. All churches in the parish collect food for the food bank as well as many other local organisations. An up to date list of needs is published monthly in our parish news sheet and parishioners are encouraged to add one or two items a week to their weekly food shop to support those in need in our community. If you know of someone in need please refer them to one of the following, The Health Centre or G.P, Their child’s school, Citizen’s Advice Bureau, Home Start, Three Counties Money Advice, based at Hasleway, Waverly Social Services or any of the local Churches. The Food Bank welcomes new volunteers. To contact the Foodbank please email or call 07818692389
Haslemere Food Bank URGENT APPEAL - During this very difficult time the Haslemere Food Bank is under great pressure but thanks to the very generous donations that continue to come in food is still able to be distributed although not always with the full range of items which are usually offered. It would be a huge help if those wishing to donate food would check regularly on the parish website for updates of specific food needs. This is likely to change more frequently than usual under the current circumstances. You have been marvellous in your support during a time when everyone is under enormous stress and anxiety, THANK YOU. What would really help is if parishioners were able to donate items directly to Tesco and Waitrose collection points or the Methodist Church (between 10am and 12.00 on Wednesday and Friday) if you shop by other means. Please remember that all of us can need support at some time or another especially in the present circumstances, IF YOU, or ANYONE YOU KNOW is in need during this time please do not hesitate to obtain a voucher for the Food Bank. Vouchers can be obtained from Father Irek or by contacting the parish office, from the Haslemere Health Centre and Chiddingfold Surgery, through the school your child attends, in this case in spite of school closures contact should be possible, through the Three Counties Money Advice at Hasleway and through CAB. All good wishes from the Haslemere Food Bank, stay safe stay fed! In Particular the following items: ( UPDATED 25th August 2020 )
Tins of Baked Beans Tins of Pulses Tins of Carrotts Tins of Fruit Tins of Tomato Couscous Coffee Small Bags of Tea Oats Shampoo
Where to Donate ?
Donation points available at the moment Haslemere Methodist Church- Wednesdays and Fridays 10 am till 12 midday Tesco- Haslemere Waitrose Haslemere Fernhurst village stores Chiddingfold: Roberts Stores, Petworth Road If self-isolated or not able to drive please contact the FOODBANK to organise a collection of your donation at or call 07818692389.